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Let's get somewhere.

[This site is currently under construction.]
Placeship is a communication, strategy and design consulting firm led by Ady Leverette.
Work with Placeship if you want to turn a complex process, situation and/or idea into a clear and compelling story.
While we serve a wide range of clients and deliver work in a wide range of formats, our approach is always the same: collaborative, creative and grounded in deep understanding. Some people call this “design thinking.” We don’t know how to think any other way.
What we do
Video narratives
Informative websites
Slide decks that don't suck
Executive summaries
Technical reports
Grant writing
Communication frameworks
Stakeholder engagement
Theories of change
Mission alignment and strategic planning
Facilitation and coaching
Landscape analysis
Prototype development
Qualitative data collection
Human-centered design
Policy research
Program evaluation
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